Current Issue

Mike Buetow

In the course of nearly 20 years in tech journalism, I’ve had the opportunity to talk to some very interesting people. Like, for example, when I received a call from one Jerry Falwell Jr. (the son of that Falwell), who wanted to know if an idea on printed circuit design that had been donated to his father’s Liberty University was worth patenting. (It wasn’t.)

Read more: Ruling Classes

Mike Buetow

As it turns out, software developers and journalists have a lot in common.

Read more: Will Designers ‘Kiss’ Off Legacy EDA?

Mike Buetow

In the end, will the naysayers be proved right?

Read more: The End for EI?

Mike Buetow

Just how big is the hobbyist market for electronics? Very. Should the professional electronics industry start taking notice? Absolutely.

Read more: Open Source is Coming Out

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