The Route

It was in 1997 when I visited Ireland for the first time. I was 30 years old then, and had lived in metropolitan cities (Chicago, Providence) for most of my adult life.

Even then, I was fairly well traveled for my age: three continents, 40+ states. And, like many 30-year-olds, I was well acquainted with local nightlife, its various charms and debaucheries, and especially, its demographics.

Through years of travel for business or pleasure, I had come to the realization that most bars (or pubs or haunts or dives or whatever colloquialism you prefer) aimed at a certain clientele. That customer base varied by the place, but in general, there were the bars and clubs for the younger crowd, the pubs for the middle aged, and the lounges for the older set.

Every so often, of course, we “young ones” might venture into the territory of our elders, be it out of curiosity or convenience. Likewise, the “parents” might wander into the joints that were typically the provenance of the college crowd – on football game days or alumni weekends, for instance. But for the most part, each generation generally stuck to its own designated spots.

Read more: Wanted: The Irish Pub

So much of the focus of the past five years has been on artificial intelligence and its increasing role in society. Specific to electronics design and manufacturing, scores of companies are now involved in developing large language models and generative AI engines to power next-generation tools capable of synthesizing huge amounts of data and driving subsequent action.

According to Bloomberg, venture capitalists invested some $97 billion into artificial intelligence startups in the US alone in 2024. That’s about half of all the monies by US startups last year. Many of these technologies are unproven, however, and the companies’ founders have little or no track record of success bringing products to market or growing a profitable entity.

Does anyone feel like we are reliving the dot-com bubble of the late 1990s and early 2000s?

And it does make me wonder whether all the hype around AI is obfuscating other significant developments in the electronics space.

Read more: Is AI Driving Silicon to Systems?

The many billions of dollars in direct funding or incentives the US Chips Act has bestowed on domestic manufacturers continue to obscure the basic adage that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

That truism was tested, again, in late November as Denkai America, the US-based subsidiary of the Japanese materials company, announced its intentions to close and liquidate its copper foil manufacturing plant in Augusta, South Carolina, the last such factory in the United States.

The news comes just two years after its parent company, Nippon Denkai, heralded the site as the future of foil production, with tens of millions of dollars in investments planned and hundreds of new jobs expected. The company cited financial problems stemming from semiconductor shortages, a decrease in exports of batteries manufactured domestically, lower demand for smartphones, and other factors for the decision.

Read more: Foiled Again: Copper Plant Closing Respins Old Supply Chain Concerns

I’m not one to harp on the supposed deficiencies of higher education. The reasons why not to are numerous, but foremost is the disconnect between what industry often wants from higher ed (I’m including colleges and universities in this mix, although there are certain fundamental differences that distinguish them) and what those institutions are designed to (and not to) do.

Universities and colleges are places to seek knowledge and conduct research. They are (generally) not out to make a buck, although I would point out that “nonprofit” does not equal “for loss.” And they aren’t designed to churn out employees ready-made for the working world. Hands-on training is left to those who know exactly what the job entails. Schools are too far from the center to keep up with changing industry needs.

And it’s to their credit, I think, that they have remained somewhat immune to the wider forces that constantly try to shape their approaches and output. Facts matter, and the aim for dispositive critical inquiry means following the scientific method as envisioned by Aristotle no matter where it leads.

Read more: On AI, Shipwrecks and the Search for 3 Layers

Dumb data won’t die. And the blame rests squarely on users who resist upgrading to formats that are designed with today’s boards and manufacturing methods in mind.

That’s the message from the PCEA Portland (OR) Chapter at its meeting in late October. The sentiment was shared across a spectrum of users, from designers to fabricators to assemblers, including the host, Axiom Electronics.

We know the issues: Too often, fabricators and assemblers receive conflicting duplicate and erroneous design data files. More often than not the culprit is Gerber-based data packages, which almost always require modification prior to fabrication or assembly.

So while persistent errors from design to manufacturing are often due to manual entry miscues or otherwise obvious omissions such as a missing solder mask layer or discrepancies within the netlist, the industry by and large continues to put up with the pain instead of migrating to a new format.

Read more: Kicking the Gerber Habit

CAD as we know it for printed circuit design came into existence in the mid-1960s. And while some industry designers still remember the days (more fondly than I would!) of hand-taping components and traces, then using a camera to produce films for fabrication, it didn’t take too long before computers started taking over.

In 1970, Racal-Redac, which later was acquired by Zuken, released its original PCB, schematic and silicon layout tool. A few years later, Scientific Calculations introduced SCICARDS for generating photoplots from Gerber files. Of course, the dimensions back then were epic in size – pads were 70 mils or more, and lines and spaces were 25 mils.

By 1976, the EDA market was starting to pop with companies, and not just for design. Makoto Kaneko founded Zuken. A trio of professors at the University of Texas – James Truchard, Bill Nowlin and Jeff Kodosky – launched National Instruments. A former Tektronix engineering manager, Doug Campbell, started Polar Instruments.

Read more: The Hidden Feature of AI Startups: A Much-Needed Human Touch

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