Current Issue

Mike Buetow

Being something of a contrarian myself, I always enjoy talking with others who are willing to look at the industry with an unconventional eye.

Read more: Revenge of the OEMs?

Mike Buetow

The findings of a new study by Boston Consulting Group suggest that, over time, many tech companies are guilty of mission-creep, especially large ones.  And when that happens, those companies do not provide the shareholder value they could if they were leaner and more focused.

Read more: Should Flextronics Be Broken Up?

Mike Buetow

Anecdotally we’ve known for some time that North America has been reestablishing itself as the hub of the electronics industry. While China struggles to maintain its recent gains, simultaneously fighting to keep a hold on skyrocketing wages while placating its restless middle class, competitors are happily picking off manufacturing with enticements of legal protections and worker stability that the Beast of the East lacks the will or means to provide.

Read more: PCB Design: Shifting to Overdrive?

Mike Buetow

My old friend Gene Weiner has for years published a must-read newsletter each month in which he shares his thoughts and tidbits on the electronics manufacturing industry. And while I don’t typically editorialize about editorials, something Gene wrote bears further consideration:

Read more: Do We Need Another NASA?

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