WILSONVILLE, OR -- Mentor Graphics today announced several updates to its ODB++ electronics data transfer format.

The format is used to move printed circuit board design data to fabrication, assembly and test equipment.

The improvements are said to reduce time and manual errors through increased automation. Key features in the upgraded format include:

  • Enhanced PCB structure:
    • Automated explicit modeling of flexible and flex-rigid PCB structures.
    • Multi-layer PCB build-up information stored in the product model to reduce human error. Build-up information is fed directly into the fabrication material selection and stack-up validation processes.
    • Full implementation of metric units.
    • Drill span direction for accurate DFM analysis of buried and blind vias, back-drilled holes, and holes drilled with various diameters.
  • Feature level improvements:
    • Extended and rationalized range of attributes, categorized by purpose, such as DFM analysis, product model definition and intended manufacturing process (fabrication, assembly, test, generic).
    • Expanded range of standard symbols needed for solder-stencil design openings to match manufacturing process rules; this avoids the need to create and maintain the user’s library of custom symbols.
    • Unlimited net name length is preserved across the design through manufacturing flow for effective net-related engineering collaboration based on the ODB++ data, even for the most complex PCBs.
  • Enhancements for assembly and test:
    • Explicit definition of structural test-probes, enabling the definition and DFT validation of physical test access early in the design stage, and explicit transmission of test intentions from design-to-manufacturing.
    • Unlimited number of bill-of-material (BOM) description attributes to ensure component description data integrity across the flow, thereby reducing the need for multiple BOM access points to maintain BOM integrity.
    • Introduction of component package attributes, enabling DFM analysis and manufacturing process preparation functions to be based on package type for efficient product model processing.

Mentor director of business development, Valor division Julian Coates said users would be able to adopt the latest version of ODB++ incrementally. "As it is implemented across design-to-manufacturing flows, the next generation ODB++ will release additional value from existing tool-sets without requiring significant changes to business processes,” he added.

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