Current Issue

Stephen Chavez

A confab at PCB West connected chapter members from around the world.

Read more: The Digital Route: The First Open IPC DC Executive Board Meeting

Stephen ChavezThe latest reports from the local chapters.

We’re onto the second half of the year now, and we’ve seen a lot of activities within our local Designers Council (DC) Chapters, including a few international chapters. It’s great to see and hear about the continued activities from professional development to knowledge sharing and networking taking place at various industry events. Here is a snapshot of what has taken place so far from several of our active chapters.

Read more: The Digital Route: From EMI to RF

Stephen ChavezThe latest reports from the local chapters.

Last month’s column highlighted the Monterrey Designers Council chapter in Mexico. As promised, the featured chapter this month is the new Sonora chapter, also in Mexico. The Sonora chapter is aiming to establish its presence in the global IPC Designers Council community and set a vision for the future, including educational topics to explore and plans to expand membership.

Read more: The Digital Route: Starting Up in Sonora

Stephen ChavezThe latest reports from the local chapters.

This month’s column highlights the Monterrey Designers Council Chapter located in Monterrey, Mexico. The chapter was established Nov. 23, 2017, which makes it a younger chapter compared to several other global chapters currently in existence. I also share news about a new chapter forming in Nogales, Mexico.

Luis Saracho is president of the Monterrey Chapter and an IPC Certified Advanced PCB Designer (CID+) with a true passion for designing board layouts, not to mention leading and organizing chapter meetings. This chapter has yet to establish a solid leadership team, so Luis is basically running the show on his own and has been doing an awesome job keeping this chapter active and successful. The chapter meets quarterly, with an average attendance of 12 to 18 attendees. Chapter meetings are typically held in the evening at a local university (ITESM Campus Monterrey), and most meetings consist of a technical presentation. The chapter is looking into getting government support through CANIETI – an organization that supports technical initiatives – but has had poor results to date.

Read more: The Digital Route: New and Thriving Chapters in Mexico

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