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High-speed Design
A Matter of Timing
Gone are the days when chip delays consumed the bulk of overall timing budgets. Now, board-level timing margins are more critical than ever.
by Matthew Hogan

Testing and Analysis
COTS Ruggedization Simplified
Yes, the military often buys parts from the same supplier you use. Here's how to ensure the civilian parts meet the military's requirements.
by Linda Britt

Cover Story
From Sharpe's Mind Comes a New Isola
With a new owner, CEO and technology center, the world's 3d largest laminate maker is at last "Leaning" forward. A PCD&M exclusive.
by Mike Buetow

Registration Techniques for Advanced Technology PCBs
Or, so you think you can do two-track routing?
by Michael Barbetta and Joe Dickson


Our Line
Another year older, another year wiser?
Andy Shaughnessy

Power Selling
Reps can make both of you a lot of money, but only with good communication.
Dan Beaulieu

Some of 2004's greatest hits, and greatest misses.
Peter Bigelow

Getting Embedded
The development of embedded resistor design guidelines continues.
Richard Snogren and Mike Jouppi

No Myths Allowed
As rise times keep dropping, expect bandwidths to keep rising.
Dr. Eric Bogatin


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