Practical Design of Differential Vias
A scalable, topology-based equivalent circuit model can accurately match via behavior to a bandwidth well above the application bandwidth, typically above 10 GHz. A look at a very simple way of modeling a differential via and translating its geometry into an equivalent circuit model.
by Eric Bogatin, Bert Simonovich and Yazi Cao
Are Your PCB Data Unprepared?
It is great to have a fabricator that can provide its “secret sauce” to make the design work, but be ready to get locked into that supplier, because another fabricator’s recipe will be different. As a designer, is that a risk you want to take?
by Jeff Champa
Global Sourcing
China’s labor shortage.
Tom Coghlan
Hello? Anyone there?
Peter Bigelow
Designer's Notebook
Modules with castellated mounting holes.
Duane Benson
On the Forefront
Packaging over chips.
E. Jan Vardaman
Better Manufacturing
The missing link.
James Fuller
Tech Tips
Can DoD crack RoHS plating armor?
ACI Technologies Inc.
Technical Abstracts
In case you missed it.