PCDF December cover


Electronic System Design
ECAD-MCAD collaboration supports bidirectional communication that can shorten design times, reduce errors and bring competitive products to market faster.
by John Isaac

Design Basics
Data Management 101
When data management is an integral part of the design environment, it works with designers rather than against them.
by Rob Evans

Salary Survey
Designers Take on Technology challenges in 2008
The decisions made in the design seat determine not only the size and shape of the PCB, but also the technology and materials needed to build it.
by Kathy Nargi-Toth

System Design
PCB Signal Integrity, Power Integrity and EMC Challenges
System-level PCB emission analysis reduces re-spins and EMC issues when PCBs are incorporated into larger systems.
by Brad Brim

Regulation Update
What’s in a Name?
The roles WEEE, RoHS and REACH play in the environment.
by Margo Lakin

HS Laminates
PCB Dielectric Materials for High-Speed Applications
The glass weave in a laminate can affect propagation velocity and loss profile, leading to signal loss and skew in differential pairs.
by Ravindra Gali


Our Line
Narrowing the gap.
Kathy Nargi-Toth

Providing great customer service can bring success in tough economic times.
Peter Bigelow

Global Sourcing
A proposed QMl will cost OEMs and suppliers more – and won’t solve the target problem.
Greg Papandrew

EMC for the Real World
Knowing the ins and outs of EMC software tools can save time and money.
Dr. Bruce Archambeault

Interconnect Strategies
Stackup analysis can help to optimize layer count, trace width, spacing and electrical performance.
Dr. Abe (Abbas) Riazi

On the Forefront
In the area of basic research, who will play? And who will pay?
E. Jan Vardaman

Final Finish Forum
ENEPIG is a unique surface finish that exhibits improved solder joint reliability when it is used with lead-free SAC alloys.
George Milad

Test and Inspection
How a grassroots organization can help get managers on board.
Stacy Kalisz Johnson

BGA Bulletin
Fine-pitch BGAs dramatically increase in pin count and will drive adoption of HDI.
Charles Pfeil


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