Design Modeling
Design Modeling Checks and Balances
For high-speed modeling, which is best: 3D field solvers or measurement-based modeling methods? Answer: Both!
by Scott McMorrow and Alfred P. Neves
BoM Management
Improving Material Selection through BoM Optimization
Hours are spent selecting parts, and compiling and organizing a bill of materials for fabrication, and decisions are only as good as the quality of information available. Automated tools can make the process a snap.
by Ahmed Khan
Silicon Trends
Silicon and its Future Impact on PCBs
Assemblies and packages will soon require significant changes to the way PCBs are designed and built. How tomorrow's technologies such as embedded components, optoelectronics and various types of array and flip-chip packages will affect boards.
by Jack Fisher
Cover Story
Round the Clock
Decisions on registration quality made by looking at cross-sections of mounts are positively biased: the actual attribute is almost always worse than it appears. To properly evaluate these coupons, additional cuts should be made.
by Tom Clifford
Power Selling
Will the USPCA reassert the importance of America's fabricators?
Dan Beaulieu
Cash in on process improvements, not capacity.
Peter Bigelow
No Myths Allowed
Predicting electromagnetic fields using simulators.
Dr. Eric Bogatin
Getting Embedded
On the drive to embed resistors, let's not overlook important thermal management criteria.
Mike Jouppi
The Plating Rack
Interconnect defects rarely cause catastrophic failures, but they should still be sought out.
Michael Carano
The Flex Market
Increasing capacity without adding equipment.
Dominique Numakura
Career Care
WIll you work past the age of 65?
Ted Daywalt
Our Line
Why the market data we base our decisions on don't add up.
Mike Buetow
Ad Index
Off The Shelf