IBM is pleased to introduce a complimentary product to EMSAT, the EMC rule-checking software. The new product, called iQ-Harmony, acts as an EMC advisory software tool to help EMC engineers remedy EMC violations found during EMSAT analysis. Users can input an energy source for the trace(s) of interest and view the local effects as noise voltage or near field spectral content. The energy source becomes the input to the algorithms that IBM developed from hours of research, simulation and measurements. One example: The effects of stitching capacitor placement near the critical trace crossing a gap in a plane can be shown interactively in a graphical viewer. IBM knows EMC. IBM has teamed up with SimLab to create a universal board and violation viewer for EMSAT. The new product, EMSAT-UV, imports board files from all popular layout formats. The Stackup Manager allows the user to input dielectric thickness and other key parameters. The full-featured board viewing capabilities give the user a better understanding of the board details that may affect EMI performance. The user can check impedance and if electric continuity exists everywhere. With board preview complete, the user launches EMSAT to perform the EMC rule checking analysis. The violations are easily viewed as highlighted areas on the board. The user clicks on the violation from a list and it is driven to the location where the highlighted violation has occurred.
X-50 Mobile Portable XRF is the ultimate benchtop XRF featuring 25X or more the power of hand-helds now in a mobile package. Test Cd down to 1 ppm in many sample types, 10 ppm in alloys. This is ideal for the RoHS Packaging Directive, which requires sum of Cd, Hg, Pb, Cr less than 100 ppm.
MicroTCA (Telecommunications Computing Architecture) is a PICMG standard, open architecture specification using field-replaceable, hotswap capable, Advanced Mezzanine Cards. Simon Industries’ microTCA tabletop development chassis is well-suited for developing and debugging microTCA systems using full-height and half-height AMC modules. Utilizing the Molex Dual-Star backplane, the Simon chassis can facilitate hardware and software development, accelerate time to market and allow developers to evaluate various AMC cards, power supplies and MCH products. The Simon chassis features blind mating connectors to enable live replacement of the fan tray without powering down the chassis. The backplane features the Molex press-fit edge card connectors that are combined with precise launch geometry, minimizing reflections and enabling 10 Gbps over each differential pair. To minimize crosstalk, the design of the microTCA backplane employs spacing between pairs of at least 0.25 mm. Also, the backplane has a FRU ROM (Field Replaceable Unit Read Only Memory) that facilitates communication of all the important backplane characteristics to the MCH.
Beginning in November, SIPAD Systems will begin offering laser-cut stencils. SIPAD Systems has purchased a T8 SPS Laser from Tech Source International.
New from T-Tech is IsoPro 2.7—the best software in the industry for rapid prototyping with milling technology! Providing you with new capabilities including: record motion, auto alignment, customizable hot keys, automatic backup, revert to last saved file, e-mail and server compatibility! Contact T-Tech today, and improve your milling experience! T-Tech introduces Quick Vac Table, a vacuum table system designed to meet the demanding needs of the RF and microwave industry. Now create prototypes on flexible materials with greater precision. The Quick Vac Table holds material down uniformly providing consistent and accurate depth of cut. Existing systems are retrofittable!