Mulino, OR – Sunstone Circuits has released an add-on that brings the company's manufacturing capabilities to CadSoft’s Eagle PCB Layout tool.

“By leveraging the Design Rule Checking engine built in to Eagle... Sunstone ensures that a designer’s work will conform to our published manufacturing capabilities," said Terry Heilman, CEO of Sunstone.

According to the company, benefits to users include reduced costs and design time by using an existing rule deck to help eliminate errors early in the design process, minimizing the need for costly corrections.
Ed Robledo, GM for CadSoft USA said, “By making a certified correct version of their manufacturing parameters available to our customers, Sunstone is bringing a uniform DRC environment to all Eagle users.”

“The Add-On helps solve the historical issue of end users having to write their own interpretation of the fabrication vendor’s rules, a process that often leads to errors that are not discovered until late in the design process.” added Nancy Viter, Sunstone Customer Satisfaction Manager. (miscellaneous downloads)
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