N100 PCB Nibbler is for singulating tab routed printed circuit boards. Tabs are cut by placing them under a blade and stepping on a foot pedal. 100 Psi factory air is needed. Excess material from the tab is stored inside a compartment of the tool and can be removed. Blades come in a variety of tab sizes and routing thicknesses. Standard blade thicknesses are 0.062", 0.093" and 0.120". Custom sizes can be requested. For low- to medium-volume production quantities.
FKN Systek, www.fknsystek.com
Integr8tor 2015.06 pre-CAM and engineering software offers broader drill support, allowing nonstandard holes to be identified automatically and processed, including countersink or counterbore holes that are to be enlarged in a specific way, or holes to be filled with resin or copper. Calculates the number of press cycles a board will go through from the drill spans, to identify and cost potential production bottlenecks.
Features increased support of and compatibility with a wide range of data formats. Generates PDF files in color and black/white more reliably and accurately from source documents in .docx, dwg and dxf formats. Converted files are said to remain faithful to the originals, with functional drop-down menus and checkboxes. Recognizes more edge-connector and SMD pad shapes; has a new algorithm that improves calculation of spacing between lines of the same net; and a new “auto-snap” feature improves annular ring analysis by automatically placing plated drill holes in the center of copper pads. Flags overlapping holes within drill sequences. QED XML files now enable technologies and capability classes to be identified quickly and easily, together with their critical parameter values, and now allows tailoring of which checks are run.
Ucamco, www.ucamco.com
Revolution series q-switched, green, pulsed lasers provide average power up to 80W at a wavelength of 527nm, with an excellent beam profile featuring smooth energy distribution. Diode-pumped Nd:YLF lasers utilize efficient intra-cavity frequency doubling to generate green output from the near-IR (1054 nm) fundamental. Deliver pulse rate flexibility; repetition rate can be smoothly adjusted from single shot to 10kHz, with an additional option that extends pulse repetition rates up to 40 kHz. Simple integration into amplifier setups and industrial applications is supported by compact packaging; all models feature the same 8.5" x 17" (216 x 432mm) footprint.
Coherent, www.coherent.com
CL-100 depaneler for LED boards can handle single-sided, metalized, or FR-4 panels of any length. Uses three sets of round knives positioned at different heights to separate in three sequential steps. Is motor-driven and uses a starting and ending table to lay the panel; operator can feed panel into and through the knives. Table comes in a standard length of 7.8', with 3.5' at the front and 3.5' at the rear. Other length tables are available on request. Can separate boards from 0.8 to 3.5mm in thickness. Max. speed is 400mm/sec. Weighs 45kg.
Fancort Industries, www.fancort.com
E3.series 2015 contains enhanced automotive collaboration, design change improvements for machinery sector, and productivity enhancements. Has ability to generate signal name automatically; sort and structure variants/options tree; new dimension standards; improvements in core management; new cabling table; 3D view in E3.panel ; transparency and visibility in 3D with E3.panel; multiple 2D views for manufacturing drawings; easier referencing in E3.panel; enhanced automotive collaboration; automatic pin terminal functionality in E3.cable and E3.formboard, and automatic wiring improvements.
Zuken, www.zuken.com
SnapEDA CAD Libraries now support Cadence OrCAD/Allegro and Pulsonix. Provide downloadable CAD building blocks based on algorithms that run a diagnostic test on each block, with a rating system that allows engineers to vet the quality of CAD parts. Also supports Altium, CadSoft Eagle, and KiCad.
SnapEDA, www.snapeda.com