Rohm Semiconductor's RS6xxxxBx and RH6xxxxBx series of N-channel MOSFETs are suitable for applications operating on 24V/36V/48V power supplies, such as base stations, servers, and motors for industrial and consumer equipment.
InstaDeep DeepPCB AI performs fully automated routing for printed circuit boards of up to 150 pairs and two layers.
Altair's Simulation 2022.3 brings updates that focus on cloud collaboration and computing, end-to-end simulation workflows, and design creation with AI-powered simulation.
Elsyca PCBBalance v2.1 is the newest version of the DfM software for PCB designers and CAM engineers.
Altium 365 GovCloud offers organizations the features and advantages of the Altium 365 cloud platform, along with additional security measures customized for highly regulated industries.
Zuken’s 2023 release for Harness Builder for E3.series features a complete graphical overhaul, giving the tool a modern feel and making it easier to understand and use.