HELSINKI -- Aspocomp's board of directors has approved a new performance period covering the years 2024–26 within the share-based long-term incentive scheme.

The Performance Share Plan is part of the existing long-term incentive scheme structure, and it is aimed at the company’s top management and selected key employees.

Aspocomp originally announced the establishment of the long-term incentive scheme with a stock exchange release issued on July 20, 2022.

The next plan within the PSP structure, PSP 2024–2026, commences as of the beginning of 2024 and the share rewards potentially earned thereunder will be paid during first half of 2027. The payment of the rewards is conditional on the achievement of the performance targets set by the board for the plan.

The performance measures based on which the potential share rewards under PSP 2024–26 will be paid are cumulative EBIT and the total shareholder return of Aspocomp’s share (absolute TSR).

The maximum number of employees eligible to participate in the PSP 2024–26 is 20, including the members of Aspocomp’s Management Team.

If all the performance targets set for PSP 2024–26 are fully achieved, the aggregate maximum number of shares payable as a reward based on this plan is 200,000 shares (referring to gross earning before the withholding of the applicable payroll tax).

The maximum value of the rewards payable to the participants based on PSP PSP 2024–26 is limited by a cap which is linked to Aspocomp’s share price development.

Aspocomp applies a share ownership recommendation to the members of the company’s management team. According to this recommendation each member of Aspocomp’s management team is expected to retain in his/her ownership at least half of the shares received under the share-based incentive plans of the company until the value of their share ownership in the company in case of the President and CEO corresponds to at least the CEO’s annual gross base salary and in case of the other members of the management team to half of the individual’s annual gross base salary.

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