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LEOBEN, AUSTRIA – AT&S reported record revenue of EUR 667 million ($751.3 million) for fiscal 2015, up 13.1% year-over-year.

EBITDA was EUR 167.6 million, an increase of 31.8% compared to fiscal 2014.

The printed circuit board manufacturer’s profit grew 81.5% to EUR 69.3 million.

“We saw a disproportional high benefit from the strong growth in the area of mobile devices, especially smartphones, and from the constantly increasing share of electronics in the automotive sector throughout the year,” said Andreas Gerstenmayer, chairman of the management board. “This led to the highest revenue in the company’s history to date. With a new generation of printed circuit boards, in addition to the new business segment IC substrates, we will tap further potential for long-term growth in the high-end segment by expanding our site in Chongqing, China, which is currently under construction.“

Net debt rose from EUR 110.9 million on Mar. 31, 2014, to EUR 130.5 million on Mar. 31, 2015.

Mobile Devices & Substrates recorded revenue of EUR 455.2 million in the reporting year, up 20.3% year-over-year.

Industrial & Automotive (incl. Medical) achieved growth of 10.6% to EUR 301.8 million.

Ed.: EUR 1 = US$1.1264

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