Harwin Kontrol range of board-to-board interconnects (BBi) now come in single-row SMT connectors and cable assemblies featuring a 1.27mm pitch (0.05″).

Are designed to bridge gap between high-end connectors and traditional pin header and socket solutions, offering enhanced flexibility and performance for a range of applications.

Come in vertical (male only) or horizontal (male and female) mounting options, with full shrouding and recessed contacts incorporated to prevent damage to the pins. Are polarized to prevent mismating, and also feature a tolerance to misalignment, with a permissible linear misalignment of up to 0.075mm and an allowable misalignment angle of 4.3 degrees.

Have current rating of 1.2A per contact, and a 25mΩ contact resistance. Are qualified up to 500 mating operations, operated across a 170oC temperature range (-55o to +125oC, board-to-board / -20 to 105oC cable-to-board and cable-to-cable) and have been tested to withstand vibration forces of 20G for up to 12 hr. Come in tape-and-reel packaging for automated assembly processes, with disposable pick-and-place caps included where needed.




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