Ucamco's Integr8tor Nexus v2024.11 and UcamX v2024.11 feature improvements and upgrades over previous releases.

Integr8tor Nexus v2024.11 includes new technologies that converge to form the core of Ucamco's advanced Workflow Engine framework, Workflow Engine Elea. Features Embedded Elea Image server, which offers hi-res, dynamic display of DPF data residing on a server in a browser-based user interface on a client, and Elea command server, which enhances Workflow Engine Elea with CAM-like functionality, allowing for real-time modifications of DPF data directly on the server. Also includes Elea Web Components, which are a collection of graphical widgets designed for browser-based interfaces that encapsulate a specific aspect of job information and create dynamic mini-applications tailored to handle specific subtasks. Includes new applications, Nexus JobManager and Nexus JobAdjuster, which are designed for online viewing of job data generated during an Integr8tor Nexus run and providing extensive browser-based capabilities for reviewing job data and analysis results, respectively, along with an array of enhancements and extensions to data analysis and reporting tools.

UcamX v2024.11 features Attribute Viewer, which allows users to easily view all object and aperture attributes in a layer, and Fill Pattern, which can achieve a specific panel copper density by filling it with the PCB image. Also includes ability to quickly view all negative objects on a layer without selections, snap the center of the enclosing box of selected objects, indicate if there is a newer version for all features in the license, select micrometer as unit, new entry in settings.xml with a minimum via diameter, and adapt the negative background for Codes in PanelPlus to the text length, as well as new fixes and improvements.




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