ROCHESTER, NY – EDA Design Automation has released the EMA Compliance Assurance System (CAS) to support companies in complying with the mandatory requirements for environmental legislations.
CAS is an adjunct to the EMA Engineering Data Management (EDM) system, and together they are said to form a solution to streamline the entire chain of environmental compliance reporting. The CAS system’s architecture reportedly allows for plug in modules to handle the specifics of any one piece of legislation, with the first available module covering EU RoHS 2006 Due Diligence Reporting (DDR).
If the RoHS compliance of a product is challenged, leading to a governmental audit, the company producing the product often has 28 days to submit evidence documenting compliance and demonstrating due diligence in the procurement and manufacturing processes.
“Even for a small bill of materials, the size of the documents required can be measured in inches or pounds,” said Manny Marcano, president and CEO at EMA. “It is hard to imagine anyone not using an automated method to generate this type of documentation.”
Companies must go beyond showing that the parts they choose are compliant. Ideally, the process for choosing and procuring compliant parts should be documented to show that the parts are actually complaint via vendors’ certificates of compliance and empirical testing, as required. In addition, the methods used to specify the components and manufacture the product should be demonstrated to be compliant.
CAS uses the data created during the design process and stored in EDM to compile the supporting compliance documents for the parts and the subassemblies that make up the product. This would include all electrical and mechanical parts, paints and other coatings, and anything else used to produce the product. CAS collates the data from the EDM system along with the company DDR into the proper format to produce the final compliance assurance document.
“The beauty of the system is that with the right up front work and our Compliance by Design methodology, companies no longer need to fear a compliance audit,” said Marcano. “All of the supporting data is available and a report can be generated at the push of a button.”