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ADS 2016 software improves design productivity and speeds circuit and electromagnetic simulation performance. Features enhanced harmonic balance and circuit envelope simulators to improve speed, convergence and accuracy. Enhanced DC annotation speeds development of even the most complex designs. Electro-Thermal simulator includes Windows and Linux support. Layout and layout verification 

Keysight ADS2016lr

enhancements include manufacturing grid checking and control, improvements to ground nets, faster 3D viewer, improved highlighting and connectivity, and mapping of layout nets to schematic net names, as well as importing .brd files for Momentum electromagnetic (EM) simulation. Adds functionality to benefit OpenAccess-based interoperable and native ADS silicon RFIC design flows. Includes SIPro signal integrity-focused EM simulator for high-complexity PCB applications, and PIPro, a power integrity focused suite of EM simulators for analysis of power delivery networks. Now has direct layout import from Cadence Allegro .BRD file DDR bus simulator support for receiver equalization for DDR4, and a new S-parameter checker/viewer.

Keysight Technologies,

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