Ed.: The following obituary was submitted by friends and colleagues of the late Julian Coates. 

With deep sadness we are mourning the passing of Julian Coates on Oct. 7, 2020, at the age of 62 after a long battle with cancer. We remember him as someone in our PCB industry whose passion for ODB++ was surpassed only by his joy for life and how he made everyone around him feel good. When Valor was acquired by Mentor Graphics in 2010, we knew immediately that Julian was key to the success of ODB++ and that he would enable the industry to benefit from the standard.

Julian Coates

We miss you Julian, and our hearts go out to your family in the hope they will carry on knowing he contributed so much to those who worked with him, and to those who still use the tools to which he dedicated his career.

Julian’s family has setup an electronic book of remembrance for friends near and far to contribute their memories: www.theonlinebookcompany.com/OnlineBooks/JulianCoates/Content/Welcome.


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