HILTON HEAD ISLAND, SC – Zuken Innovation World 2017 Americas has issued a call for papers for its event here Apr. 24-26.
Papers should be educational in nature and cover topics of interest to the Zuken user community. The technical program consists of four tracks with more than 40 45-minute sessions.
Topic categories include board design, including SI/PI/EMC and ECAD/MCAD co-design; IoT and product development; electrical design, including wire harness, panel and fluid design; design data and library management, including supply chain and PLM integration; hardware architecture design, and chip/package/board co-design.
For more information, visit http://pages.zuken.com/ziw-call-for-papers.html?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWWpkaVlUSXlZVGM0WVdWaiIsInQiOiJ3clJEUU9tcHhaOHZ6ZmY3bVBReGYwSVN5cWt0WjJwS09hRXB0SjdNOWhQc2ZibFM5c0t2Z293T1pEclJnc1JhXC8xSWxDUVJkVG5PV3MxTGlCbGpsSXRPMjFpRGdNNCtIUktBQjJhVkJYN2c9In0%3D.
To submit a proposal, visit http://pages.zuken.com/ziw-call-for-papers.html?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWWpkaVlUSXlZVGM0WVdWaiIsInQiOiJ3clJEUU9tcHhaOHZ6ZmY3bVBReGYwSVN5cWt0WjJwS09hRXB0SjdNOWhQc2ZibFM5c0t2Z293T1pEclJnc1JhXC8xSWxDUVJkVG5PV3MxTGlCbGpsSXRPMjFpRGdNNCtIUktBQjJhVkJYN2c9In0%3D#submit.
Register now for PCB West, the Silicon Valley's largest trade show for the printed circuit industry, taking place Sept. 13-15 in Santa Clara: PCBWEST.COM