Rohm and Haas introduce three acid copper plating products: Copper Gleam CF 25; Copper Gleam CuPulse Plus; and Copper Gleam HT-55.
Copper Gleam CF 25 is designed for pattern, panel and button plate via-filling. The via-fill bath produces a highly-ductile leveled copper deposit that has physical properties similar to traditional DC copper electrodeposits. With simultaneous via-filling and through-hole plating, the bath is reported to have exceptional metal distribution.

Copper Gleam CuPulse Plus is a versatile high-performance pulse electroplating system. A stabilizer component is integrated into the additives, creating superior control and longer bath life. The system is reported to provide a stable and consistent plating and through-hole leveling performance.

Copper Gleam HT-55 is a high-throw plating product, improving cycle time without specialized equipment or cell modifications. It is reported to have exceptional surface distribution, as well as a significant reduction in average surface copper thickness.
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