Rohm and Haas introduce four Laminar dry film products for innerlayer photo resist: E8000; E9012; E9200; and UD700.
The E8000 series is a multi-functional photo resist for print-and-etch and tent-and-etch applications. Benefits include high resolution with fine line capability, adhesion on small resist features and robust tenting and performance.
E9012 is designed for acid-etch innerlayer applications, providing conformance, fast processing and high resolution. Benefits include fast photo speed, developing and clean processing. The product has a high-resolution capability of better than 1:1, as well as an enhanced flexibility that provides robust performance.
The E9200 series provides versatility in working with numerous PCB processes, including ENIG and Immersion Silver operations. It is reported to have excellent performance in gold plating and good donut and isolated resist adhesion.
UD700 is designed for LDI applications and is capable of better than 1:1 resolution. It is reported to perform well in plating applications, as well as alkaline or acid etching.

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