PCB-Investigator v. 12 includes new plugin for DfT preparation.

Test probes for fixture and fixtureless devices can be defined using different rules and can be exported for Seica, Takaya and HP3070 machines. Has extended design report: more images, analyze results, and intelligent linking. Can synchronize instances with list synchronize, interactive graphically data comparison. Has display of differences in additional comparison tool. Can define PinBridges with electrical resistances between pins of any component. PDFs can be viewed and cross-highlighted with layout (e.g., schematics). Now fully supports GerberX2, and new options for panel import and export are available, including profile export. Offers new debugging possibilities. Provides 7z + rar format support for including data and dielectric strength for checking PCB for electricity leaked. Offers 3-D plane cuts to create 2-D layers for visualization. Has PCBI 365 cloud-based data management with integrated part library. Provides options for keeping nested block structure instead of flattening it. Bare board DRC has option for stacked microvias. Includes performance improvements and new import/export result possibility in 3-D ray analysis. IPC-356 export supports inner VIAs and drill depth. New options for setting color by attributes, step export, and component attribute import. Bug fixes are included for Eagle/DXF/GenCAD import. Machine formats include Viscom output for AOI, AXI and SPI machines with many options (e.g., using CAD Library, auto group/type detection, THT checks) and Parmi SPI output with individual paste thickness for step stencil. Includes panel builder updates.



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