NovaRay high bandwidth, high-density interconnect system has a pin-to-ground differential pair configuration said to enable crosstalk to 40 GHz+, tight impedance control, and minimal variance in data rate as stack heights increase.
Is 112 PAM4-capable and rated up to 56Gbps NRZ per channel. Aggregate average data rate of 1.33 Tbps per sq. in. Two contact points, with stub-free mating. Impedance rating of 92Ω addresses 85Ω and 100Ω applications. Improved breakout region uses new offset signal-to-ground configuration. Comes from 8 to 72 pairs; modular design easily expands to higher pair counts. Board-to-board configurations include 8 pairs/448Gbps aggregate, 16 pairs/896Gbps aggregate, and 32 pairs/1.8Tbps aggregate. Stack heights range from 7 to 20mm. Intermateable cable and board interconnects.