µPILR technology can reduce the standoff between the PCB and the bottom package and increase mechanical board-level reliability, improving drop-test performance.

The past decade has seen a tremendous market demand for driving more and more functionality into applications in the mobile space. The cell phone is a prime example of this trend as our daily communication, computing and consumer electronics needs merge from discreet, handheld units into one multifunctional device.

The basic cell phone took off in the 1990s as a novelty with voice only. The introduction of the color screen in 2000 and the camera module in 2002 were innovative developments that dramatically changed the way we view our mobile devices. Several other applications have been integrated, and today, our cell phones offer advanced functions such as digital TV, GPS, MP3 technology and more security as we search the web, enabling our on-the-go lifestyles. The integration and miniaturization of all components within the device has become a necessity to achieve the reduced form factor and weight demanded by consumers.

The silicon stacking industry has seen many revolutions, with memory stacking for a memory subsystem to system-in-package (SiP) with the inclusion of logic devices. Die stacking logic and memory was a quick way of initially achieving the desired form factor, but the cost was not sustainable long term due to the compound yield loss of the total package. In 2005, the introduction of package-on-package (PoP) into the industry allowed the logic and memory sub-system packages to be tested separately and reduce the cost. Figure 1 shows an illustration of the production PoP in mobile phones today. PoP technologies have become a main standard for these applications, allowing designers to match technological advancements in functionality with increasingly smaller form factors. This article will discuss two main approaches for miniaturizing PoP via finer pitch: memory sub-system package stacked on package with one logic die or two logic die.

Figure 1
FIGURE 1. Illustration of the production PoP in mobile phones today.

Market Trends for Package-on-Package

The current industry standard for the PoP inter-package ball-out interface is at 0.65-mm ball pitch, and package sizes range from 11 mm x 11 mm to 16 mm x 16 mm with varying architectures. The bottom package (for the processor) is 0.5-mm pitch with a custom ball-out based on the processors.

Tessera recently conducted a study to evaluate pitch trends for the logic IC in mobile applications from 2003 to 2007. The study examined 110 mobile phone teardowns from Portelligent (portelligent.com). In 2003, approximately 30% of these ICs were at 0.5-mm pitch, and the rest ranged up to 0.8-mm pitch. Today, over 98% of these logic ICs are now at 0.5-mm pitch.

The increasing number of applications in mobile devices and subsequent higher performance demands require higher pin counts, which typically increases size. This requires the footprint to remain the same or become smaller. Accommodating these higher pin counts in such a footprint will require smaller pitch. There are several ways the industry is reducing or maintaining the overall footprint. This article will discuss two main approaches when dealing with PoP stacking.

The first option is to reduce the solder ball pitch, which reduces the packages X-Y size. Logic IC packages are trending toward 0.4-mm pitch, driving the top memory sub-system package to reduce from the current 0.65 mm to 0.5-mm pitch. This option will achieve a smaller package size of the one component as its performance increases from one generation to the next.

The second option allows for higher integration while maintaining or reducing the solder ball pitch and, in return, reducing the overall footprint of two or more packages into one. Stacking a second logic IC into the bottom package will increase the package size for the PoP but will reduce the overall combined size of the two separate packages (one stand-alone logic package and one PoP). This option will also increase the I/O count, and the package can remain at 0.5-mm pitch to maintain good routing or reduce to 0.4-mm pitch for size benefits. In either case, the top memory sub-system package can remain at 0.65-mm pitch to maintain the memory interface I/O count for the larger package.

PoP Challenges with New Market Trends

These two PoP approaches will enable increased integration and reduced overall form factor to allow for continued increases in performance and applications in mobile devices. However, both options have their challenges.

For the first option, the reduced pitch on the top package will result in smaller clearance between the two packages. A logic die can be connected to its substrate via wire bond or flip chip. Currently, the clearance between two packages using either interconnection method for 0.65-mm pitch is approximately 0.270 mm to 0.320 mm. When the top package pitch is reduced to 0.5 mm, the clearance will reduce to approximately 0.220 mm due to the smaller solder ball used for this smaller pitch. In turn, this will require reduced height in the logic IC. Reducing the height for wire-bonded die would mean die thinning to ≤75 µm and/or reducing the wire bond loop height. Reducing flip-chip height will also require die thinning and/or reduce the bump height. There is also a cost premium associated with lower wire-bond loop heights, and reduced mechanical reliability for lower bump heights for flip chips. All these solutions increase performance risk and cost due to die thinning and handling.

The second option – stacking two logic die in the bottom package – will require an increased clearance between the two packages. Increasing solder ball size to achieve this increased clearance will require higher pitch for the memory sub-system to avoid solder bridging. In addition, the higher pitch will reduce the I/O count for the package-to-package interface if the same X-Y size is to be maintained.

These challenges are difficult to overcome within the current technology window while maintaining the cost and risk targets. The industry is examining innovative new approaches to take packaging technology to the next level. One new option is the Micro Pin Interconnect Layer (µPILR) technology developed by Tessera, which addresses many of these challenges.

µPILR Technology for PoP

The µPILR technology platform utilizes conical-shaped, solid copper contacts plated with nickel/copper. This can be used in multiple types of interconnections:
1. IC-to-package substrate interconnections
2. Package-to-PCB and/or PoP interconnections
3. Interlayer via connections within package substrates, flexible printed circuits or high-density PCBs.

Figures 2a and 2b show SEM images of this contact. This article will mainly discuss the package-to-package and PCB-to-package interconnections for PoP.

Figure 2
FIGURE 2a. SEM image of a µPILRTM contact (125 µm height with 80 µm tip).

Figure 3
FIGURE 2b. SEM image (higher magnification) of a µPILR contact (125 µm height with 80 µm tip).

The introduction of the solid copper contact within a solder joint provides better ability to control and hold standoff while maintaining solder interconnect reliability at the board and package-to-package level of the PoP.

This technology can reduce the standoff between the PCB and the bottom package by more than 50% to allow overall package height reduction. Due to the increased surface area between the copper and solder when using µPILR, there is an increase in mechanical board-level reliability, especially drop test. Figure 3 illustrates initial drop test data where the addition of the copper pin shows late first failures using JESD22-B111 drop test conditions. The test vehicle for the data was on a 10 mm x 10 mm package size with the full area populated with µPILR contacts. The drop test was performed on this test vehicle with multiple pitches – 0.65 mm, 0.5 mm and 0.4 mm – using 196, 324 and 529 total µPILR contacts, respectively. To simulate an actual device, the silicon size used was 6.5 mm x 6.5 mm x 150 µm. This was attached to the top surface of the substrate using paste die attached material. The overmold height for the package was 450 µm over the substrate.

Figure 4
FIGURE 3. Drop test data using µPILR showing first failures for 0.4 mm, 0.5 mm and 0.65 mm pitch.

A theoretical stack-up analysis of the test vehicle (shown in Figure 4) using the tolerance stacking methodology shows that less than 1.2 mm total height can be achieved. The test vehicle consists of one die in a bottom package at 0.4-mm pitch, three die in the top package at 0.5-mm pitch µPILR and a two-layer µPILR substrate (top and bottom).
The ability of µPILR to control standoff at the package-to-package interconnect level allows for higher clearance between the two packages while maintaining the needed finer pitch. Figure 5 (left and middle side) shows the difference between the resulting standoffs for solder ball and µPILR PoP, respectively, at the package-to-package interface using the same solder ball diameter and pad opening. Figure 5 (right side) also shows the resulting standoff with a smaller solder ball and pad opening.

Figure 5
FIGURE 4. Test Vehicle for µPILR PoP with one logic and three memory die at <1.2 mm total package height.

Figure 6
FIGURE 5. Inter-package stand-off of PoP using solder balls only versus µPILR with solder. Inclusion of µPILR increases joint stand-off.

This data was calculated using an in-house developed software utility. This software calculates the resulting shape of the solder (diameter and height) based on the initial volume of solder. The final shape can be calculated for different cases including solder reflowed on a pad, solder ball reflowed to make the joint between two packages, or between package and PCB. The calculations are based on the assumption that the surface tension dominates, and hence, the free solder surface is spherical. If the package weight per interconnect ratio is high enough, then gravity will have a significant effect, which is not accounted for in this tool. For standard packages, package weight/interconnect ratio is small enough that the results from this tool are quite accurate when compared to actual observed data.

To meet market demands for a smaller 0.5-mm pitch at the package-to-package interface and to keep the risk factor on the logic device as low as possible, the desired stand-off would need to remain at approximately 0.270 mm. Figure 5 (left side) shows that a solder ball-only solution cannot meet this requirement unless the solder ball size is increased, which increases the risk of solder bridging. Using µPILR, Figure 5 (middle), allows better control of the standoff to achieve the desired clearance by forming a column-like structure. Since µPILR can provide improved joint reliability, the same calculation was done with a smaller pad opening, as shown in Figure 5 on the right side. This allows for a higher margin for the standoff. The standoff for the contact using µPILR can be further increased by increasing the total solder volume.

Surface-mount experiments showed that increased solder content enables a higher standoff at the same finer pitch without bridging, mainly because µPILR causes the joint to form a column-like structure, which is more robust than a solder-only joint. Figure 6 shows a SEM picture of a 0.125-mm µPILR copper pin surrounded by solder to form an interconnect with a standoff of 0.540 mm. A clearance this high also facilitates the second approach of stacking two logic ICs in the bottom package of a PoP as mentioned earlier.

Figure 7
FIGURE 6. SEM picture of a 0.125 mm µPILR copper pin surrounded by solder to form and interconnect with a stand-off of 0.540 mm.

As the industry continues the trend toward tighter integration in mobile devices, stacking two logic devices in the bottom package for PoP will allow for higher performance and smaller overall form factor. However, this results in a thicker mold cap height on the bottom package, which requires a larger standoff clearance between the two packages. At even larger pitches such as 0.65 mm, solder ball interconnect cannot overcome this mold cap height. However, by applying the concept of increased standoff ability with the µPILR technology to this application at 0.65-mm pitch, designers will be able to realize more integration between the logic and memory.

Testing will be conducted on daisy-chain test vehicles, board-level reliability on the µPILR PoP test vehicle with one die as shown in Figure 4 at 0.5 mm, and with two die at 0.65-mm pitch in the bottom package and up to three die in the top packages. The data will be available in late 2007 and early 2008, respectively. The test vehicle will be RoHS compliant with a halogen-free material set. Testing will cover JEDEC JESD22-B111 for drop (1500 gn, 0.5 ms pulse, 30 drops), JEDEC JESD22-A104 Condition G for temperature cycling (-40ËšC to +125ËšC until 63% fail, 10 minute dwell, 10ËšC/minute ramp rate; continuous monitoring of resistance) and JEDEC-9702 for monotonic bend test (4-Point Bend; 5000 µStrain/s).

Package assembly with µPILR technology uses standard semiconductor assembly equipment for all major processes, including die placement, wire bonding and overmold. The surface-mount technology required for µPILR is dependent on the resulting standoff needs, since the copper pins are coated with nickel and immersion gold to allow for high-strength adhesion of solder. If the interconnect standoff is to be minimized for height reduction between the bottom package and PCB, for example, then the ball attach process at package assembly can be eliminated, and the surface mount can be performed by optimizing the solder paste content on the PCB. The µPILR package can then be picked, placed and reflowed in the same manner as any other component. For higher standoff requirements, such as between packages, solder can be pre-applied to the µPILR copper pins. Additional solder paste or solder balls can be placed to the pad opening on the top interface of the bottom package. The total solder content can be optimized to achieve the required standoff for the clearance needed. Thus, surface-mount assembly can utilize existing processes, materials and equipment without incurring additional capital expenses.


Looking ahead, logic IC packaging will reduce interconnect pitch from the current 0.5 mm to 0.4 mm, driving technology capability toward higher I/Os and/or smaller packages. The smaller overall package size results in a lower I/O count for the memory interface at the current 0.65-mm pitch. Driving the memory module to 0.5-mm pitch will either maintain or increase the I/O count. However, 0.5-mm pitch standoff between the logic and memory interface will increase the risks and costs with the need to reduce thickness within the logic arena.

Technologies of this type are being introduced to the market to allow for finer pitch with the ability to control solder standoff, while using existing assembly and surface-mount infrastructures. As these technologies mature and gain broader adoption, they will serve as the catalyst to enable future innovation in the converging mobile devices market. PCD&F

Ed. – In a follow up to this article, Printed Circuit Design & Fab will publish the data generated from the daisy-chain, board-level reliability testing when it becomes available.

Manisha Sharma is senior product marketing manager, Tessera Inc. She can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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