WASHINGTON – The Electronics Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) has a strategy to track the electronics industry’s carbon footprint, with the recent implementation of the Carbon Reporting System. 
The on-line system allows companies to calculate greenhouse gas emissions and to share their data with companies throughout the industry.
Developed to improve measurements and to increase understanding of GHG emissions across the industry supply chain, the system collects and monitors emissions from direct suppliers to participating companies and provides instruction for estimating the allocation of emissions to clients. 
Companies have the option to report emissions data down to the facility level. The system converts units of measurement, calculates emissions in MTCE and collects data from all of a company’s facilities.
By collecting primary data from companies at different levels in the supply chain, accountability and transparency within the industry is increased. EICC plans to use the data to identify areas needing improvement and opportunities for collaboration.
According to EICC chairman, John Gabriel, 21 global electronics firms have already subscribed. The system is voluntary and free for EICC member companies. Non-members can subscribe to the system for an annual fee.
EICC was created in 2004 to improve social, economic and environmental conditions in the global electronics industry through the use of a standardized code of conduct. The coalition includes 40 global electronics companies. 
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