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SAN FRANCISCO — “Technology in the marketplace has advanced over the years to change the way we live.

In today’s world, mass implementation of these new technologies needs to accelerate in order to keep pace with society’s demands.

Yet, we’ve repeatedly seen technologies that held great promise fall short of market realization because the promise came with too many barriers – capital expenditure, global supply-chain, technological scale-up, regulations, market timing, infrastructure, and so on."

So says Dr. Gene Kim of Alpha, a division of Alent. Kim is co-chairing the first Global Summit for Advanced Manufacturing (GSAM), a forum to explore practical solutions for today’s most pressing manufacturing challenges, including the convergence of miniaturization, automation, integration, ruggedization, materials and processes, along with other special topics.
GSAM will feature case study-based presentations, networking opportunities and one-on-one individual meeting sessions on how to leverage today’s successfully developed and manufactured products to yield viable solutions for the emerging manufacturing leaders of tomorrow.
The event takes place here July 9 and 10 and will be colocated with SemiCon West.
"The true manufacturing value-add offered by a technological advancement comes from its total cost-of-ownership benefit, but key decision makers have lacked a forum in which they could candidly and thoroughly discuss this assessment," says Kim. "GSAM was conceived to encourage these important discussions – real people discussing real manufacturing challenges in an environment that cultivates manufacturing innovation.”

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