TAMWORTH, UK -- Invotec Group seeks students or recent graduates for apprenticeships in printed circuit board fabrication.
The program offers apprentices future career opportunities in high technology manufacturing at the fabricator's Telford and Tamworth facilities.
Apprentices undertake a so-called Level 3 Engineering Manufacture (Craft and Technician) apprenticeship designed to provide the skills, knowledge and competence requirements to operate at craft or technician level as appropriate for the employers engineering sector. After successfully completing the course, apprentices will be offered positions at Invotec, the firm said.
Lead CI engineer Rick Payne said, “Our program represents the opening phases of our long term plan to strengthen our technical function and bring on the next generation of Engineers dedicated to maintaining and developing our processes and manufacturing capability."
The program, which is conducted in part with local colleges, aims to provide both theoretical background and hands-on training.
Interns spend their first 12 months working within the CI department, learning process control, Lean manufacturing and process improvement skills. Then they support senior engineers, continuing their practical workplace education.
New interns are recruited each January and would start their positions the following August. To apply, send a CV to Corrina Morris at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..