BANNOCKBURN, IL – George Milad this week received the IPC Presidents Award, the trade group’s second highest award.

The award recognizes IPC members who have displayed ongoing leadership and have made significant contributions to the association, as well as the electronic interconnect industry.

The award was presented at the IPC Midwest Conference & Exhibition.

Milad, national accounts manager of technology at Uyemura International Corp., has nearly 25 years’ experience in PCB manufacturing. He served on the 4-23a Electrolytic Plating Task Group in 1995, becoming chair of the 4-14 Plating Processes Subcommittee in 2002.

Milad joined the IPC Technical Activities Executive Committee, which oversees all IPC technical work, in 2003, and, five years later was named a lifetime member.

Over the past 10 years, he has received five committee-related awards for standards development and leadership. Milad has published works on electrolytic plating and metallic surface finishes as HASL alternatives.

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