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SAN JOSE – NextFlex released a call for proposals that seek to fund projects that further the development and adoption of flexible hybrid electronics, while addressing challenges in advanced manufacturing and supporting Department of Defense priorities.

The total PC 7.0 project value is expected to exceed $11.5 million, bringing the total anticipated investment in advancing FHE since NextFlex’s formation to $128 million.

The project call has a special emphasis on areas in which FHE can impact high-priority US manufacturing opportunities and areas of emerging importance within the FHE community. Areas of emphasis include FHE-enabled manufacturing for automotive applications, additive approaches to FHE device fabrication, applying hybrid electronic manufacturing to applications in advanced packaging, and exploring how FHE manufacturing can support improved environmental sustainability in electronics manufacturing.

“We are delighted to announce this new round of funding for advanced manufacturing developments in the US,” said Malcolm Thompson, Ph.D., executive director, NextFlex. “The benefits of FHE – additively manufactured electronic systems that are lightweight, thin, and conformable – are transforming our perceptions of how ubiquitous electronics can truly be. With each successive project call, the NextFlex member community moves the technology closer to commercialization and wide adoption.”

Project proposals should include a plan for transitioning projects to the US industrial manufacturing base, while focusing on manufacturing challenges in these topic areas: manufacturing of FHE-enabled automotive components; advanced packaging approaches for IC integration in FHE devices; additively manufactured electronic components and devices; improved environmental sustainability of electronics with FHE manufacturing; manufacturing of soft and stretchable electronics; enhanced dielectric materials and manufacturing methods for FHE devices; wearable human monitoring/interface demonstrator; open topic for new project leads.

Proposals are due Apr. 14.

In addition, NextFlex released its FHE Technology Roadmaps. Developed by subject matter experts from industry, academia and government, the NextFlex Technical Working Groups in 11 technical areas emphasize automotive, device integration and packaging, materials, modeling and design, printed components and microfluidics, standards, test and reliability, asset monitoring systems, flexible power, human monitoring systems, integrated antenna arrays, and soft wearable robotics. A public version of the roadmaps is being made available.

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