P-Series pH and conductivity meters now include P771 pH Meter, P772 conductivity meter and P773 total dissolved solids (TDS) meter. Are pocket-sized, pen-style meters said to make field measurements easy and convenient. Feature high resolution and automatic temperature compensation, rugged waterproof housing (meets IP57 standards), replaceable electrodes and 21 x 18mm LCD display. P771 has a resolution of 0.01 pH, accuracy of ±0.02 pH and measures 0.00 ~ 14.00 pH. P772 has a resolution of 10 µS/cm, accuracy of ±2% full scale and measures 0~19990 µS/cm. P773 has a resolution of 10 ppm, accuracy of ±2% Full Scale, and measures 0~19990.
Anaheim Scientific, anaheimscientific.com