DownStream Technologies releases CAM350 XL, a post-process tool, that according to the company, provides the following key features:

Multi-level Analysis
CAM350 XL supports multiple levels of analysis from cursory visual inspection of design/Gerber/ODB++ data to Netlist comparison of outputs to original design data, to full blown Design for Fabrication (DFF) analysis.

Tooling Output Extraction
CAM350 XL outputs all major industry formats for Gerber including Barco, Fire 9000, RS274X/D, ODB++, NC Milling / Drilling including Sieb and Meyer 1000/3000 and Excellon. CAM350 XL also supports IPC-D-356 standard netlist generation for both the PCB and stepped up assembly panel.

PCB Documentation
Drag and drop PCB views onto drawing sheets and format with other drawing elements to create detailed fabrication, assembly, panel and custom drawings needed to document a PCB design. Any Gerber, PDF, DXF data imported to the release package can be dragged onto a drawing sheet for further instruction clarity.

Release Package Creation/Distribution
CAM350 XL creates a single electronic Release Package database. A single data file that contains all design information, Gerber files, NC files, PDF and DXF files, and related PCB documentation for distribution to document control, procurement, and manufacturing.

ECO Automation
The CAM350 XL suite provides a platform to graphically compare two design database revisions.
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