RBP Chemical Technology Inc. introduces MetalTreat 530, MetalTreat 4007 and MetalTreat 957, a waste treatment process for electronics and metal finishing.
MetalTreat 530 precipitates metals out of solution, and MetalTreat 4007 coagulates the waste metal. This metal waste is then flocculated by MetalTreat 957. This three-step process produces a solid waste cake that can be easily removed from the bath.
The chemicals are non-DOT regulated and non-hazardous. MetalTreat 530 is free DTC, preventing aquatic toxicity. It can also be used with ORP metering. MetalTreat 957 is packaged in suspension, providing easy handling. MetalTreat 4007 is effective in both PCB and metal finishing applications.
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