Agilent Technologies’ Medalist x6000 PCB X-ray inspection system uses a digital image reconstruction technique to diagnose solder-joint defects in PCBs.

Using this Laminography technique, the company reports that PCBs can be examined by looking at "slices" at various z-values above the board surface, with the image in sharp focus for one plane of the board. Software then examines these individual image slices for defects, and can also use them to build a three-dimensional image of the entire board structure.

"Our new approach eliminates the time required for z-movement and board settling associated with laminography. With the architecture of the x6000, we completely eliminated that step, improving test throughput, simplifying test-program development, reducing the system's parts count, improving call performance by ensuring that images are in focus, and improving system reliability,” commented Jim Benson, product marketing engineer

"Overall we believe that the new system architecture addresses present and future inspection needs, just as laminography provided the best solution for printed-circuit-boards' prior generation."
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