ATLANTA – Intercept has released
Pantheon version 5.2,
reportedly offering design reuse capabilities with block design
technology, allowing shortened design time and reduced edits, as well
as the ability to support sub-blocks within main blocks. The company
states that this feature allows reusable circuitry to be maintained
independently throughout a design.
“Version 5.2 of Pantheon represents a major milestone for Intercept,”
said Abby Monaco, Intercept product manager “Our design reuse model
provides solutions for RF design by allowing specialized RF circuits to
be maintained separately within mixed digital and RF designs, it allows
complex portions of standard PCB designs to be stored in a library and
reused at will, and it opens up possibilities for panelization of
designs that were previously too large to handle in this manner.”
Pantheon 5.2 is available to customers on Sun Solaris, Linux, and Windows platforms.