Zuken's Panel Builder 2025 for E3.series provides a digital solution for customers to support manufacturing tasks such as exporting files for manufacturing equipment and supplying instructions to the operators to install the wires and cables.

Replaces the traditional method of using uncontrolled electronic files and printed paper copies, eliminating installation errors. Allows customers automate the creation of input data for manufacturing machines to reduce errors and material waste and features a simple user interface to speed up the learning process. Includes Wiring Task Manager that provides visually guided wire installation instructions to the shop floor through an easy-to-use interface, assisting operators in installing control panel wires, and Assembly Tasks Manager that is designed to provide electrical panel layout designers with a utility for creating detailed, step-by-step assembly and build instructions for panels, cabinets and electrical enclosures. Supports direct exports to wire processing machines from Schleuniger, Komax, and nVent and allows engineers to use E3.panel's advanced algorithm technology with user requirements to automatically route wires in the panel enclosure.




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