CHANDLER, AZ – A Taiwanese court has dismissed a suit filed by Taiwan Union Technology challenging Isola's patent on the use of certain fillers in epoxy laminates.
“This decision validates our patent and gives Isola the right to preclude other laminators from using talc-based fillers covered by our patents in their products in Taiwan,” said CEO Ray Sharpe, referring to the Oct. 31 IP court decision.
The US version of the patent, which was issued in February 2001, covers epoxy laminates with up to 20 by weight talc particles. The patent number is 6187852, and the inventors include Aroon Tungare, Scott Richgels, Jeffrey Kamla and Peggy Conn. In Taiwan, the patent is 413659, Fillers for Improved Epoxy Laminates.
Isola manufactures base materials used to fabricate printed circuit boards.