BANNOCKBURN, IL – The revised EU RoHS Directive was published today in the EU Official Journal. The Directive now applies to all electrical and electronic equipment.

It is expected to go into effect on July 21. Member States will have 18 months to transpose the Directive into national law. Member States’ regulations are expected to take force no later than Jan. 2, 2013.

The methodology for evaluating substances for priority assessment is congruent with the EU REACH Regulation.

Category 8, medical devices, and Category 9, monitoring and control instruments, will come into scope by 2014. Category 11, all other EEE not covered by any other category, will come into scope by 2019.

Industry, instead of the EU government, will now have to prove the necessity of an exemption. Exemptions will also have expiration dates, and companies will need to submit renewal applications at least 18 months before the exemptions expire.

The council earlier this month revised the Directive:

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