RENO, NV – Itronics reported first quarter revenues were $380,531, up 56% year-over-year, with silver sales up 218% to $17,186.

The outlook for silver sales is an increase due to stabilized pilot-scale PCB refining operations, and a contribution from the newly reintroduced Silver Nevada Miner 5-ounce collector bar.

In May last year, the company announced it had acquired a one-year option to purchase a 48-acre, 60,000 sq. ft. manufacturing facility in Wabuska, NV, for $1.6 million, with the site partially zoned for chemical manufacturing.

The company has begun a third refining campaign that includes incorporating ground up personal computer PCB scrap (e-waste) to provide quantitative data being used to evaluate the feasibility of refining e-scrap to recover its silver, gold, palladium, copper, and tin content. This work is now producing silver bullion and silver-bearing glass. This production will increase Itronics’ sales as production continues and expands in 2019 and beyond.


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