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DARMSTAD, GERMANY -- CST announces a new series of webinars on EM simulation demonstrating standard workflows for common design challenges, with examples to show how simulation can be used to design and optimize products.

The tutorial style also offers an easy way for the user to learn about the capabilities of extensions to CST Studio Suite, and how these can be incorporated into their workflow. The presenters are simulation experts, with years of experience of using and developing these tools.

These webinars will cover both CST tools and products from CST’s partners Magus and Optenni.

The webinars will benefit both existing CST customers who want to improve or update their workflows, and engineers who would like the opportunity to see how the tools can be employed to simplify design tasks.

Dates and subjects include:

  • Feb. 19: Getting Ahead with Optenni Lab
  • Feb. 26: Getting Ahead with Antenna Magus
  • Mar. 5: Getting Ahead with CST PCB Studio
  • Mr. 12: Getting Ahead with the CST Studio Suite Modeling Interface
  • Mr. 19: Getting Ahead with High Performance Computing in CST Studio Suite

For more info, click here.

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