SANTA CLARA, CA– Agilent Technologies Inc. has released a series of all-in-one solution kits designed to assist engineering and electronics teachers. Each kit contains undergraduate engineering coursework, teaching slide sets, problem-based student labs and measurement equipment meeting industry standards.
The Multi-purpose Lab Station (MPLS) is targeted for basic electronics and instrumentation. The kit includes numerous instruments, including an oscilloscope, a function generator and a multimeter. Features include prewritten labs and exercises.

The RF Kit is designed for RF communications courses. The kit comes with a set of equipment, transmit/receive training kit and teaching tools.
The Digital IQ Modulation Lab Station allows teachers and students to simulate and analyze communication signals. Users can capture and view I/Q signals in time domain, as well as analyze and demodulate baseband and RF signals. The kit provides easy generation, accurate measurement and complete analysis of complex digitally modulated formats.
The Digital Systems Training Kit provides a clearer understanding of key concepts in digital systems classes. The kit contains Altera’s FPGA Development and Education Board, customized DreamCatcher teaching materials and Agilent’s high-performance oscilloscope.
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