WESTFORD, MA – Zuken is hosting an on-demand webinar on design of large electrical projects.

Attendees will learn how to work in an enterprise solution design environment; the benefits of a standard library with industry standard symbols and attributes; speed up design time by eradicating the need for lengthy checking and verification; understand the ease of tracking changes across multiple versions of the same design, and the advantages of common electrical objects for bills of materials and cabling reports.

To watch Concurrent Design of Power Generation and Distribution Schematics and Panels, visit http://pages.zuken.com/webinar-e3-power.html?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWlRkbE5EWmtOakJsWWpkbSIsInQiOiJZNWZpXC93TkNsSXExZDVoQUUzSURVTTlFVnY1MFRxYVNzQVd0ejU4eFhwaWs1dDhBWVBGWStLaWFPZEFVczVCU3d5MXJSMVhRamhxcGNBcDl0TXVjbHQxeDdyNTM4UDAwNjZBblBEcUZiNFl6RzJmbEpudzkyd1AxNFpWcWNpem4ifQ%3D%3D.  


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