SymTA/S 3.0 and TraceAnalyzer 3.0 are system-level tools for model-based design and trace-based verification. Are targeted for automotive, aerospace, automation and other performance- and safety-critical systems. Reliable for dimensioning, optimization, regression-testing, and verification of controllers and networks, focusing on load, task and message latencies, system schedulability, end-to-end timing, data consistency and other properties that ensure system correctness. Deliver support for model- and trace-based timing analysis. Can merge controller or network traces into existing SymTA/S models. Can start from traces and change the system configuration virtually to predict performance impact of additional tasks or messages, different scheduling strategies or faster hardware. Can iterate designs multiple times. SymTA/S 3.0 enhances distribution analysis and provides direct CAN-ID support with both hexadecimal and decimal visualization, in addition to assigning priority values for CAN bus configuration. Report generator provides a difference report between two system revisions. AUTOSAR XML import function supports shared variables. Communication overhead analysis capability provides support for multi-core controllers. TraceAnalyzer 3.0 provides support for Vector Informatik’s FlexRay trace/log file format and CAN multi-channel support for its CANoe ASC trace/log file import interface. A report generator has also been added.


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