PCB East 2007 Featured Product

IBM is pleased to introduce a complimentary product to EMSAT, the EMC rule-checking software. The new product, called
iQ-Harmony, acts as an EMC advisory software tool to help EMC engineers remedy EMC violations found during EMSAT analysis. Users can input an energy source for the trace(s) of interest and view the local effects as noise voltage or near field spectral content. The energy source becomes the input to the algorithms that IBM developed from hours of research, simulation and measurements. One example: The effects of stitching capacitor placement near the critical trace crossing a gap in a plane can be shown interactively in a graphical viewer. IBM knows EMC. IBM has teamed up with SimLab to create a universal board and violation viewer for EMSAT. The new product, EMSAT-UV, imports board files from all popular layout formats. The Stackup Manager allows the user to input dielectric thickness and other key parameters. The full-featured board viewing capabilities give the user a better understanding of the board details that may affect EMI performance. The user can check impedance and if electric continuity exists everywhere. With board preview complete, the user launches EMSAT to perform the EMC rule checking analysis. The violations are easily viewed as highlighted areas on the board. The user clicks on the violation from a list and it is driven to the location where the highlighted violation has occurred.

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