WILSONVILLE, Ore., Nov 8, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Mentor Graphics Corporation (NASDAQ: MENT) today announced that Seica, a leading supplier of automated test equipment for the electronics manufacturing industry, will offer the Valor Process Preparation tool to users of its Pilot® Flying Probe Testers (FPT). The Valor Process Preparation product will help streamline the input of printed circuit board (PCB) design data and generation of test programs for Seica's flying probe testers, thereby accelerating new product introduction (NPI) cycles.
The Valor Process Preparation software offers a complete solution for PCB electrical test engineering, interfacing seamlessly with Seica's VIVA software and delivering all the data required to generate a complete test program. The Valor Process Preparation design for test (DFT) engine enables optimization of test probe locations and automates probe offsets to compensate for differences in pad and solder mask openings, and to determine optimum approach for fine pitch leads. The Valor Process Preparation product supports 25 different CAD and CAM formats including Gerber and ODB++.
"Our Flying Probe Testers are extremely popular in NPI-intensive environments and Valor Process Preparation helps our customers meet the need for both high test coverage and rapid test program generation," said Antonio Grassino, president, Seica. "Valor's integration with our VIVA software creates an optimal flow from design to test."
"The Valor Process Preparation DFT engine applies our accumulated knowledge from the PCB design and manufacturing domains to assist customers in PCB testing," said Dan Hoz, general manager, Mentor Graphics Valor Division. "Our partnership with Seica allows our joint customers to implement a single platform for all of their process engineering needs starting from stencil through documentation, inspection and SMT programming."
Product Availability The Valor Process Preparation solution for Seica's Pilot Flying Probe Testers is available today. For more information visit: https://www.mentor.com/pcb-manufacturing-assembly/products/valor-mss-process-preparation. Seica is an exhibitor at Electronica 2016 (booth A1-459) in Munich, Germany, from November 8-11, 2016. For additional information on Seica's Pilot Flying Probe Test Platforms, visit http://www.seica.com/products/flying-probe-testers/
ATLANTA, GA – SEPTEMBER 20, 2016 – Last week’s PCB West show attendance rose 3% year-over-year, to nearly 2,000 attendees, UP MEDIA GROUP announced today. It was the annual printed circuit board industry trade show’s highest turnout since 2001.
Registration for the 25th annual show was up 6% from 2015 registrants, added UPMG. Overall, nearly 2,000 printed circuit board designers, fabricators and electronics assemblers, managers and suppliers attended the trade show, UP Media Group said.
It was the seventh straight year both show registration and actual attendance figures have climbed.
Technical conference registration rose more than 20% year-over-year. Attendees gravitated toward sessions on resolving fundamentals and practical solutions to engineering and design problems. More than 24 designers underwent IPC certification during the conference as well.
The sold-out show floor featured more than 100 companies occupying 110 booths, and exhibitors were outwardly pleased about their leads from the consistently busy show. Among the comments:
PCB West was held September 13 – 15 at the Santa Clara (CA) Convention Center and was sponsored by the UPMG publications PRINTED CIRCUIT DESIGN & FAB and CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY. It included a three-day technical conference consisting of nearly 70 presentations, a one-day exhibition, featuring the PCB industry's leading vendors, and an array of free technical sessions.
"It is remarkable how, after 25 years, the demand for printed circuit board knowledge continues unabated,” said Mike Buetow, editorial director of UPMG. “This year’s show was our largest ever in terms of the number of exhibitors, with twice the number we had just five years ago. And the technical conference just keeps growing, too.”
PCB West 2017 will take place September 12-14, 2017, at the Santa Clara (CA) Convention Center.
About UP Media Group Inc.
UP Media Group Inc. (UPMG) (upmediagroup.com) serves the global PCB community through print, digital and online products, as well as live and virtual events. UPMG publishes PRINTED CIRCUIT DESIGN & FABTM (pcdandf.com) and CIRCUITS ASSEMBLYTM (circuitsassembly.com), as well as the PCB UPdateTM (pcbupdate.com) e-newsletter. UPMG also produces trade shows and conferences, including PCB WestTM (pcbwest.com). UPMG also produces Printed Circuit UniversityTM (printedcircuituniversity.com), an online e-learning and training resource for electronics industry, and the PCB Chat TM moderated chat forums.
Alyson Skarbek, Show Manager
UP Media Group Inc.
P.O. Box 470
Canton, GA 30169
Tel 678-234-9859
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