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Event to feature e-textiles laboratory demos and keynote from European Commission

BANNOCKBURN, Ill., USA, October 15, 2020 — IPC E-Textiles Europe 2020 | Virtual Summit, a two-day technical education conference for innovators, technologists, and brands/OEMs, will provide a platform for education and collaboration among professionals interested in producing e-textiles technologies and products. Consisting of four educational workshop sessions from four university laboratories in Europe, IPC E-Textiles 2020 | Virtual Summit will take place November 19 and 20.

Workshops will include virtual demonstrations by ENSAIT GEMTEXT Lab in France, Empa in Switzerland, the Centre for Textile Science and Engineering at the University of Ghent in Belgium, and the University of West Attica in Greece.

The Virtual Summit will feature keynotes by:

Andreas Lymberis, European Commission – E-Textiles and Smart Wearables: A Multifaceted EU Support in Research, Technology and Innovation
Christian Dalsgaard, Ohmatex – Advancing the Smart Textile Industry Globally

In addition to virtual demonstrations and keynotes, each workshop will include technical instruction on a variety of topics, including:

Standards for wearable e-textiles
Smart fiber technologies for sensing applications
Smart textiles for first responders
Challenges in manufacturing e-garments

"E-Textiles Europe 2020 | Virtual Summit is an ideal event for companies actively involved in e-textiles development, such as EMS or OEM companies, as well as product innovators and materials suppliers investigating how to apply e-textiles technologies to future products,” said Vladan Koncar, ENSAIT, chair of the E-Textiles Committee, Europe.

For more information on participating in IPC E-Textiles Europe 2020 | Virtual Summit, visit or contact, IPC’s director of technology transfer.

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