Musings on land patterns and moon landings.
In this month’s column, I celebrate the importance of the humble PCB component footprint. I suggest that creating and leaving positive professional footprints on all we do in the Printed Circuit Engineering Association is imperative to the success of our industry. Next, I hand it off to PCEA Chairman Steph Chavez for some inspiring words as we tread into the new year. And as always, I provide a list of events coming up.
PCEA Updates
Not a day goes by that I don’t come across hundreds of footprints. Not all are related to electronic components used in PCB design. Around a cattle ranch, for instance, some are left by turkeys, deer, cattle and other outdoor critters as they go about their daily business foraging for food in the snow. Some footprints are my own, which I make as I go about my daily business taking care of outside chores. Sometimes I make “bad” footprints, tracking them into the kitchen if I fail to shed my Muck Boots in the mud room before entering. These are hardly lasting footprints, as I’d like to point out. They are made without much thought and quickly fade with the next snowfall or the wipe of a mop across the floor.
Lasting footprints are quite different.
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