Market News

TOKYO -- October shipments of PWBs reached $822 million in Japan, up 15.1% sequentially, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry said.  Shipments totaled 2.28 million sq. meters, up 8.1%. Read more ...
BANNOCKBURN, IL – November PWB orders climbed 11.8% year-over-year in North America, while shipments fell 9.1%, IPC said today. The book-to-bill fell 0.02 points to 1.06, remaining in positive territory for the ninth straight month. Read more ...
SAN JOSE – North American manufacturers of semiconductor equipment posted $1.15 billion in orders in November and a book-to-bill ratio of 0.82, according to SEMI.
The three-month average of worldwide bookings was about 2% less than October and about 19% less than last year.
The three-month average of worldwide billings was $1.39 billion, about 6% less than October and down about 6% year-over-year.
"November orders are 19% below one year ago, and at levels last reported in late 2005,” said Stanley T. Myers, president and CEO of SEMI. “Semiconductor manufacturers have added a tremendous amount of 300-mm capacity over the past year. This, combined with the overall booking trends, indicates that investments will slow in the near-term, which is consistent with concerns about the economy as a whole.”
EL SEGUNDO, CA -- A leading research firm today lowered its outlook for electronics equipment, although the revised growth remains solid for 2008.
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LONDON - Cobham announced its acquisition of BAE’s Pennsylvania-based Surveillance and Attack business unit, which manufactures communications and radar jamming equipment and electronic warfare technology subsystems for military aircraft.

The company is will reportedly rename the unit Landsdale.

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