LEOBEN, AUSTRIA – AT&S will undertake its largest expansion to date, earmarking more than $2 billion for a 200,000 m² production site for IC substrates in Southeast Asia. The planned investment will total up to €1.7 billion (US$2.1 billion) over five years to construct of a new production complex for high-end substrates and is subject to approval of its supervisory board.
Construction is scheduled to start in the second half of 2021, and high-volume production at the end of 2024.
The project is based on a planned collaboration with two leading manufacturers of high-performance-computing semiconductors, with whom long-term contracts are to be concluded. These contracts are expected to be signed shortly.
About half of the investment is to be provided by the customers’ contributions to financing. The balance sheet presentation of these contributions is yet to be clarified. A capital increase by issuing new shares will not be required to finance the project.
The plan is to produce ABF substrates for high-performance processors at the location in Southeast Asia. These processors are applied in areas such as high-performance computers, data centers, gaming, 5G, automotive and AI.
The currently planned capacity can generate additional revenue potential of up to €1 billion annually when fully utilized.
The board expects a business development with revenue of approximately €3 billion in the financial year 2025/26, compared to more than €2 billion in 2023/2024. This would correspond to a CAGR of approximately 20% through to 2025/26.
Ed.: €1 = US$1.22